You are given a broken clock. You know, that it is supposed to show time in 12- or 24-hours HH:MM format. In 12-hours format hours change from 1 to 12, while in 24-hours it changes from 0 to 23. In both formats minutes change from 0 to 59.
You are given a time in format HH:MM that is currently displayed on the broken clock. Your goal is to change minimum number of digits in order to make clocks display the correct time in the given format.
For example, if 00:99 is displayed, it is enough to replace the second 9 with 3 in order to get 00:39 that is a correct time in 24-hours format. However, to make 00:99 correct in 12-hours format, one has to change at least two digits. Additionally to the first change one can replace the second 0 with 1 and obtain 01:39
The first line of the input contains one integer 12 or 24, that denote 12-hours or 24-hours format respectively.
The second line contains the time in format HH:MM, that is currently displayed on the clock. First two characters stand for the hours, while next two show the minutes.
The only line of the output should contain the time in format HH:MM that is a correct time in the given format. It should differ from the original in as few positions as possible. If there are many optimal solutions you can print any of them.
Sample Input
17:30Sample Output
然后给你一个小时制度,然后再给你一个时间,问你这个时间是否合法,如果不合法的话,你需要修改最少的数字,使得这个时间合法 。
#includeusing namespace std;int main(){ int h;scanf("%d",&h); string s;cin>>s; int ans1 = 1e9; string ans2; if(h==24){ for(int i=0;i tmp)ans1=tmp,ans2=s2; } } } else { for(int i=1;i<=h;i++) { for(int j=0;j<60;j++) { string s2; s2+=(i/10)%10+'0'; s2+=i%10+'0'; s2+=':'; s2+=(j/10)%10+'0'; s2+=j%10+'0'; int tmp = 0; for(int k=0;k tmp)ans1=tmp,ans2=s2; } } } cout< <